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Masz dzieci?:
17 lat. chłopiec, mieszka(ją) ze mną
Angielski 2 (Sredni) Rosyjski 5 (Biegły)
Stan cywilny:
Chcę dzieci:
Czy jesteś gotowy(a) przeprowadzić się?:
Zgadzam się przeprowadzić za granicę
Twoje priorytety w życiu:
Rodzina, długoletni związek Dobrostan Wewnętrzna rownowaga Zdrowie
Twoje przychody, kondycja finansowa:
Mam przeciętne dochody
Jestem właścicielem:
Mieszkania / apartamentu
Gdzie i jak mieszkasz?:
Samodzielne mieszkanie / apartament
Uduchowiona, ale nie religijna
36 - 56
aż do 90.8 kg
175 - 201 cm
Kolor oczu:
Kolor włosów:
Czy akceptujesz, jeśli ma dzieci?:
Budowa ciała:
Szczupła, Przeciętna
Okazjonalnie, w towarzystwie
Biała, Hiszpańską/latynoską
Odpowiedzi na kilka pytań
Jak byś chciał(a) się opisać?
I just want to meet my lover and soulmate, feel the warmth and inspiration in the heart from the relationships again. I live an interesting and active life, inspired by creativity, nature and my pets. I have exciting hobbies. I get energized through sports, love yoga, meditation; walking or running, women's practices; pay attention to personal development; i am a kundalini yoga teacher. I have a mix of Armenian and Belarusian blood. I like when man knows how to be a gentleman and how to treat women, treats a woman like a beautiful flower. I ready to give love, affection and care to my beloved. I appreciate in people kindness, sincerity, openness, sense ofhumor. I appreciate aesthetics and beauty in everything that surrounds us. P.S. Dear men, let's not waste each other's time, if you are against your woman having a child from a previous marriage, my son is a sub-postponent and it would be great if you became friends and also, he is not yet old enough to live on his own yet ❤️🏻 I wish everyone to meet their perfect match 🤞🏼
Jak byś opisał(a) idealnego partnera?
Intelligent, kind, caring, generous, gentleman, understanding, has an open heart, with similar moral and spiritual values, able to speak openly and directly, able to love and give, warm, courageous, ready to take responsibility for the family, including financial, responsible for his words, leads a healthy lifestyle, likes sports and activity, creativity. Ready to organize our meetings, if necessary, to come to my country for meetings, ready to solve issues related to possible future relocation. Does not like long relationships in messages and at a distance.
Co byś zrobił(a) gdybyś wiedział(a), że za 30 dni będzie koniec świata?
Would visit elderly relatives I hadn't seen in a while. Just enjoying life with my family. I would pray and do meditation on the changes in the world and atmosphere that the earth would continue to exist.
Co byś zrobił gdybyś miał do wydania 10 milionów dolarów?
I would organize a charity fund to help people (single parents, elderly people, addicts)
Jak często i kogo pytasz się o poradę?
I have a couple friends whose opinions I can listen to, but I always end up making the decision myself, it may differ from advice
Jakie wartości najbardziej cenisz u ludzi tej samej płci?
I like it when a woman is in her natural beauty sexuality, when her face is not reshaped by surgeons. Of course there are cases when medical intervention is necessary, those are special cases, yes. When a woman values her time and herself to the point of not allowing herself to compromise on her choice of partner, when her life is beautiful and sacred and alone and therefore casual companions are not appropriate. When a woman doesn't try to please everyone to her own detriment to make herself look better. Soft and at the same time confident women. Sincere, honest and open
Jakie wartości najbardziej cenisz u ludzi odmiennej płci?
I like men responsible for their words including, as when a man is shown in actions and not only in words. A sense of humor. Ability to take care of his family and loved ones and his personal health and well-being. With a good level of moral values. With a good heart and not able to do deliberate meanness to others and himself.
Jakie było ostatnie ważne wydarzenie w twoim życiu i jak na Ciebie wpłynęło?
Mom's death
Najważniejsza rada jaką dasz swoim dzieciom?
stay with a kind heart, stay true to your ideals and your values. Show yourself to the world and be brave.
Co wywarło na Tobie największe wrażenie (szok) w życiu?
The birth of a son and the death of a mother
Książka jaką ostatnio przeczytałeś(aś)?
The Tibetan Book of the Dead. 2 life from K.Antarova. Red tent from Anita Diamant
Jakie są twoje najbliższe cele?
I would like to meet the right man to create a strong union. To realize myself in a new working creative project. To improve my language skills.
Masz dużo przyjaciół?
not much
Moja ulubiona muzyka?
I like very different kinds of music. Classical orchestral. Mantras. Music of singing bowls, gongs and other sacred instruments. At home, I often play nature sounds like birdsong, babbling brooks, sea waves. But I also like good quality melodic deep and techno
Moje ulubione jedzenie
I like to eat lots of green vegetables, lentils and legumes. I hardly ever eat meat or fish. My body doesn't ask for meat every day. I also love sweets but let it be better dry mango and dates or even banana than cake 🤦🏻♀️when I make pies I don't use white wheat flour, I have made friends with oat and rice flour for this purpose.
Moje ulubione filmy
Leon Lion 12 chairs Dartagnan and the 3 Musketeers in the Russian version Interstellar The Lord of the Rings Gladiator Always say yes Eat Pray Love Princess of Monaco ♪ Pretty Woman with Richard Gere and Julia Roberts ♪ 7 Lives The pursuit of happiness Secret The earth Under the Tuscan Sun Vassabi John Wick Matrix Knowing The Shantaram series Victoria and Abdul Jeanne Dubarie Three Thousand Years of Longing